Bible Weights and Measures
Bible Weights and Measures


March-April: Nisan (Abib)

Jewish year began with Passover month
Season and agriculture: spring latter rains; barley and flax harvest—Exodus 12:2; Exodus 12:4; Nehemiah 2:1
Festivals: Passover Feast, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Firstfruits

April-May: Iyyar (Ziv, Ziw)

Season and agriculture: beginning of dry season

May-June: Sivan
Season and agriculture: early figs
Festivals: Pentecost, Feast of Weeks; Feast of Harvest

June-July: Tammuz
Season and agriculture: grape harvest

July-August: Ab

Season and agriculture: olive harvest

August-September: Elul

Season and agriculture: date and summer fig harvest

September-October: Tishri (Ethanim)
Season and agriculture: early rains
Festivals: Day of Blowing Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles (Feast of Booths), Solemn Assembly

October-November: Heshvan (Marheshwan, Bul)

Season and agriculture: plowing

November-December: Kislev (Chislev)

Season and agriculture: sowing
Festivals: Festival of Lights

December-January: Tebeth (Tebet)

Season and agriculture: rains

January-February: Shebat

Season and agriculture: almond blossoms

February-March: Adar

Seasons and agriculture: citrus harvest
Festivals: Feast of Purim


Bible Weights and Measures